Thursday, December 26, 2019
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Hsb Gym Business Plan - 2020 Words
Executive Summary Over the last few years this country has been focus on obesity and personal health for everyone. HSB (Hot Sexy Body) Fitness Center is looking to help individual who heard the call for a sexier and healthier body. HSB will open it door in the Downtown section of Brooklyn in New York. This section of Brooklyn has grown the third largest central business district behind New York City. In the coming years the area will continue to grow as many large companies move into many of the office buildings been created; this will then increase the population of the job force in the area. Therefore, HSB has target the area in conjunction with the increase of population. HSB is proposing a gym that is easily accessible and†¦show more content†¦Activities Manager: The activities manager(s) will be responsible for supervising, personal trainers, childcare personal, and fitness/equipment specialist. This individual will work closely with its staff to coordinate all the different actives to be held in the center. Position will require being a full-time employee who is well organized, having strong communication and excellent leadership skills. Personal Trainer: Certified personal trainers will create a personalized and custom-built exercise program for each individual to achieve their goals. Childcare personal: Applicant should exhibit good communication skills, highly motivated and have experience with children. Background check will be required. Position will be part-time, high school diploma or GED required. Fitness / Equipment Specialist: Fitness/Equipment will be responsible for maintain all of the equipments in the center. Individual is expected monitor the centers safety, assist the operation manager and activities manger on the day to day duties in the center. Qualifications for the position are knowledge of all the gyms machinery such as cardio machines and strength work out machines. Sales / Operation Manager This position functions will be to attend all of the customers and members inquires, managing the operations of
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
AER Operating in the Australian Market-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about theAustralian Energy Regulator is Operating in the Australian Market. Answer: Introduction Australian Energy Regulator is a wholesale electricity and gas industry existing in the Country of Australia. It is a natural monopoly, which does transmission of power and distribution of electricity in the Australian market. Australian Energy Regulator being a public utility sector, but it is considered existing in a monopoly market. Monopoly market is where the structure consists of only one seller or producer, which exists for a product, and their barriers to entry s restricted. The assignment is done for the company Australian Energy Regulator and the country taken up is Australia. In Australia, due to presence of electricity being a natural monopoly. In the research, AER is operating in the Australian market (Allender Richards, 2012). The demand curve, which is drawn, and it shows distribution of the price, quantity, which is demanded, is drawn, and it is one of the very important tools and it analyses the customers need in the market. Number of sellers and buyers Electricity is an public utility and the ideal commodity which is traded using pool arrangement.. Electricity is a product, which cannot be stored for future usage therefore the supply is changing with the change in the demand .Every one unit of electricity is different from the rest of the units since it is not possible to determine the particular generator, which has produced the electricity. There is specialized information technology, which is NEM and this system balance the supply with the demand, and thereby maintaining reserves and the power system operate one at a time and thus facilitating the financial settlement of the physical delivery (Comyns et al., 2013). Australia has established a market where there is market in electricity future. With the improvement of technology and increase in the betterment of IT the monopoly power of the generator has been reduced but the regional monopoly power which the sellers of electricity in Australia remains the same and is very restricted. With the innovation of technology, the regional monopoly power of the market of Australia can be reduced. The changes in the electricity market are likely to continue in the near future. The market size and the growth rate, the total profitability of the company is overall since there are no competitors or any economic indicators used in evaluating the market in this industry. There are no new entrants in the industry and the suppliers and buyers cannot choose the products. There is no competitive pressure that the electricity company faces, since it is the only seller, therefore there is no competition that it has to beat with the rest (Helbig, 2015). Type of product Australian Energy Regulator is the only unique seller and distributor of electricity in Australia; it is the most recognizable and unique brand existing and supplying electricity in Australia. It is a registered wholesale market having trademark, which is sold in every portion in the Australia (Nepal, Menezes Jamasb, 2014). There are two type of costs that are involved in the natural monopoly is marginal cost and fixed cost. In a natural monopoly like electricity industry, the marginal cost decreases with the economies of scale. The electricity market has unique cost structure, it has a very high fixed cost and thus they do not depend on the output, since marginal cost is constant (Frankel, Parsley Wei, 2012). Natural monopolies such as electricity are the largest supplier in the industry and it is the only supplier and thus has high cost advantage and where fixed cost dominates the market. A firm, which has a high fixed cost, requires huge customers to earn the return on investment. Since they have high cost from gains from market share and increases in output from the fixed cost. Companies take advantage from economies of scale since the average cost is reduced since it is a natural monopoly. Once a natural monopoly has been established because of the large initial, cost accordingly the economies of scale lower. Thus, no firms attempt to enter the industry in the monopoly market (Kapferer, 2012). Entry and exit condition Monopoly market in which there is one seller who sells the products, which are unique, and the seller has a high market hold. Sometimes the firms use the restrictive trade to increase and maximize the price and profit of the firm. Monopoly market has both prices as well as non-price competition. In monopoly, the market form where there are one seller and the market is homogeneous having unique product (Garcia?Sanchez, Mesquita Vassolo, 2014).Monopoly is the most prevalent in the electricity industry in the country. In the Australian market there is only one electricity firm supplying electricity in the Country. The industry is selling homogeneous and unique product in a monopoly market and thus affect the industry. AER has grown with a huge advertising in Australia. There is no competition since there are no new entrants in the electricity industry. It has a very positive image, it would have to have a very positive image and therefore create recognition to the market. With time the improvement of technology the industry is not be able to remain and have monopoly power (Hosken, Olson Smith, 2016) Price determination Following are the key factors that AER has when they were considering the pricing strategy: Price is set according to the demand and they are the price maker Price is what the company gives where the company has the maximum revenue (Lacoste, 2012). Price should not be low and it is always high since it enjoys monopoly The customers do not have choice and will buy their product. Price is kept according to their choice The price of electricity, since it is the market leader the price is very high AER does not have any competitor and the pricing is high and they earn economic profit in the long therefore pricing has to be done very easily since the people do not shift from one company to the other In the price competition, the organization will have to try to capture the market. The consumers will buy the product since no option. The firm has been very loyal as they sell quality and emphasizing on quality and service (Murray Gao, 2012). Non price competition prevailing AER function is focused on regulating the natural monopoly transmission monitoring the wholesale electricity. The national electricity law confers upon AERs regulatory functions. AERs key responsibilities at the present includes (Simshauser, 2017). It regulates the revenue of the transmission network services and establishes revenue cap It regulates the revenue of distribution It monitors the electricity wholesale market It monitors so that they comply with the national electricity law and regulation It investigates possible breaches of the provisions and laws and regulations Instituting and conducting enforcement proceedings against relevant market participants Exempting the network service providers from registration (Newbury Paterson, 2015). The monopoly captures the entire consumer surplus. The increase in economic profit attracts the activity that leads to an inefficient use of. Economies of scale, a monopoly can produce at a lower average total cost than what a large number of competitive firms could achieve. They set the initial prices so that they are able to attract the buyers and to gain market share (Mountain, 2014). References Allender, W. J., Richards, T. J. (2012). Brand loyalty and price promotion strategies: an empirical analysis.Journal of Retailing,88(3), 323-342. Comyns, B., Figge, F., Hahn, T., Barkemeyer, R. (2013, September). Sustainability reporting: The role of search,experience and credence information. InAccounting Forum(Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 231-243). Elsevier. Frankel, J., Parsley, D., Wei, S. J. (2012). Slow pass-through around the world: a new import for developing countries?.Open Economies Review,23(2), 213-251. Garcia?Sanchez, J., Mesquita, L. F., Vassolo, R. S. (2014). What doesn't kill you makes you stronger: The evolution of competition and entry?order advantages in economically turbulent contexts.Strategic Management Journal,35(13), 1972-1992. Helbig, S. (2015). The road toward sustainable energy in Western Australia: what legal and policy settings could make the South West Interconnected System renewable?.Australian Environmental Law Digest, (November 2015), 32. Hosken, D. S., Olson, L. M., Smith, L. K. (2016). Can entry or exit event studies inform horizontal merger analysis? Evidence from grocery retailing.Economic Inquiry,54(1), 342-360. Kapferer, J. N. (2012).The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and strategic thinking. Kogan page publishers. Lacoste, S. (2012). Vertical coopetition: The key account perspective.Industrial Marketing Management,41(4), 649-658.pensive?.Addiction,109(12), 1959-1966 Mountain, B. (2014). Independent regulation of government-owned monopolies: An oxymoron? The case of electricity distribution in Australia.Utilities Policy,31, 188-196. Murray, J. Y., Ju, M., Gao, G. Y. (2012). Foreign market entry timing revisited: Trade-off between market share performance and firm survival.Journal of International Marketing,20(3), 50-64. Nepal, R., Menezes, F., Jamasb, T. (2014). Network regulation and regulatory institutional reform: Revisiting the case of Australia.Energy Policy,73, 259-268. Newbury, P., Paterson, M. (2015, November). Creative destructionv Creative accumulation: Organisational transformation challenges confronting electricity distribution monopolies. InPower and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific(pp. 1-5). IEEE. Simshauser, P. (2017). Monopoly regulation, discontinuity stranded assets.Energy Economics.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Microwaves Essays (1404 words) - Electromagnetic Spectrum, Wireless
Microwaves You might remember the heroic role that newly-invented radar played in the Second World War. People hailed it then as "Our Miracle Ally". But even in its earliest years, as it was helping win the war, radar proved to be more than an expert enemy locator. Radar technicians, doodling away in their idle moments, found that they could focus a radar beam on a marshmallow and toast it. They also popped popcorn with it. Such was the beginning of microwave cooking. The very same energy that warned the British of the German Luftwaffe invasion and that policemen employ to pinch speeding motorists, is what many of us now have in our kitchens. It's the same as what carries long distance phone calls and cablevision. Hitler's army had its own version of radar, using radio waves. But the trouble with radio waves is that their long wavelength requires a large, cumbersome antenna to focus them into a narrow radar beam. The British showed that microwaves, with their short wavelength, could be focussed ina narrow beam with an antenna many times smaller. This enabled them to make more effective use of radar since an antenna could be carried on aircraft, ships and mobile ground stations. This characteristic of microwaves, the efficiency with which they are concentrated in a narrow beam, is one reason why they can be used in cooking. You can produce a high-powered microwave beam in a small oven, but you can't do the same with radio waves, which are simply too long. Microwaves and their Use The idea of cooking with radiation may seem like a fairly new one, but in fact it reaches back thousands of years. Ever since mastering fire, man has cooked with infrared radiation, a close kin of the microwave. Infrared rays are what give you that warm glow when you put your hand near a room radiator or a hotplate or a campfire. Infrared rays, flowing from the sun and striking the atmosphere, make the Earth warm and habitable. In a conventional gas or electric oven, infrared waves pour off the hot elements or burners and are converted to heat when they strike air inside and the food. Microwaves and infrared rays are related in that both are forms of electromagnetic energy. Both consist of electric and magnetic fields that rise and fall like waves on an ocean. Silently, invisibly and at the speed of light, they travel through space and matter. There are many forms of electromagnetic energy (see diagram). Ordinary light from the sun is one, and the only one you can actually see. X-rays are another. Each kind, moving at a separate wavelength, has a unique effect on any matter it touches. When you lie out in the summer sun, for example, it's the infrared rays that bring warmth, but ultraviolet radiation that tans your skin. If the Earth's protective atmosphere weren't there, intense cosmic radiation from space would kill you. So why do microwaves cook faster than infrared rays? Well, suppose you're roasting a chicken in a radar range. What happens is t hat when you switch on the microwaves, they're absorbed only by water molecules in the chicken. Water is what chemists call a polar molecule. It has a slightly positive charge at one end and a slightly negative charge at the opposite end. This peculiar orientation provides a sort of handle for the microwaves to grab onto. The microwaves agitate the water molecules billions of times a second, and this rapid movement generates heat and cooks the food. Since microwaves agitate only water molecules, they pass through all other molecules and penetrate deep into the chicken. They reach right inside the food. Ordinary ovens, by contrast, fail to have the same penetrating power because their infrared waves agitate all molecules. Most of the infarred radiation is spent heating the air inside the oven, and any remaining rays are absorbed by the outer layer of the chicken. Food cooks in an ordinary oven as the heat from the air and the outer layer of the food slowly seeps down to the inner layers. In short, oven microwaves cook the outside of the chicken at the same time as they cook the
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Role of the Fool in King Lear Essays
Role of the Fool in King Lear Essays Role of the Fool in King Lear Essay Role of the Fool in King Lear Essay Essay Topic: King Lear Wisdom and insight gives the ability to make common sense and to discern or judge what is true, right or lasting. Man is not logical and his intellectual capability is not complete without being compromised with wisdom and insight. In the play King Lear, William Shakespeare shows the journey of the once king of England as he falls from grace to despair.In his and insecure state King Lear steps out of his role by giving up all his power, reaches the peak of madness and loses his life just as he comes to understand it. The journey of King Lear of attaining wisdom and insight is necessary as he learns from the hardships of taking foolish actions in the beginning, progresses by realizing his mistakes and blindness, and gains wisdom and insight towards the end.In the beginning of King Lear, Lear steps out of his role and takes foolish actions and loses all influence by falling for the insincerity that surrounds him. King Lear begins the play by making the single, most foolish mistake of d ividing his kingdom and giving power to the wrong hands. The kings unwise decision of division based on the daughter who professes the most love for him causes the downfall of the play and starts his slippery slope towards madness. His actions are understood by all except himself as he asks the question, Who is it that can tell me who I am? (I, IV, 226) and is given the reply, Lears shadow. (I, IV, 227).Furthermore, Lear is blind to his two older daughters hypocritical pledges of love and is foolish enough to trust them with his livelihood. He values appearances over reality and cannot see the greed and motives of those who are supposedly closest to him. Regan and Goneril are both able to deceive him easily, as Lear hears only what he wants. Moreover, King Lear is quick to judgment of banishing not only his youngest and most beloved daughter, Cordelia, but also one of his most loyal servants, Kent. He cannot comprehend the sincerity of Cordelias echoed words of saying Nothing (I, I, 94) and then moves to strip her of his love and titles. Lears overreaction and foolish actions plainly show his getting old before becoming wise.As the plot of the play progresses, the fool acts as indirect guide to Lear who enables him to understand his situation as he learns of his blindness and madness and the forces working against him. Goneril and Regan surpass Lears threshold for sanity and he is thrown out into the elements and left to find himself. The fools first entrance shows the essence of his existence in the play. Lears descent toward madness is shown explicitly when he cries, O fool, I shall go mad! The fool indirectly leads the king acting as inner-conscience of the king. He draws the king towards and an example of this is when the fool exclaims to the king, Prithee, nuncleswim in.(III, IV, 113-114).The fool reveals truth and honesty to all. The fool shows the king the mistakes he makes as he expresses his thoughts about the decision the king made in the beginning, I have own breeches. (I, IV, 169-171). The king is blind to all this until the fool reveals it to him. The fool tells the king that he would be a good fool but if he was his fool he would have thee beaten for being old before they time. (I, V, 41). Through the guide of the fool acting as his inner conscience and revealing truth the king understand and realizes his own blindness.After being inspired by the fool, Lear realizes his new found insight, his ability to see beyond appearances, and understand his mistakes. In the end, Lear is finally able to notice how others have treated him. Through the mock trial he sorts out all the evil and comprehends all that happened during the play. It is after the trial that the fool leaves the play as his job is over and the king can see clearly for himself. Lear expresses his understanding when he says, they flattered me like a dog(III, VI, 112-116). He realizes his mistakes and regrets them.When Cordelia shows up he say, I pray weep notthey have not.(IV, VII, 81-85). In addition, he begins to see clearly of his surroundings. His ability to see is also evident towards the end when he finally recognizes Kent. In the end Lear gains wisdom and insight, however, dies out of a broken heart.King Lears journey can be traced through his absence of wisdom and insight which is replaced with the vital role of the fool who allows the king to come back to sanity with a clear insight of his surroundings. Through the play, King Lear, Shakespeare shows the necessity of the journey for gaining insight and wisdom. He portrays this in the role he gives to the fool of representing these two important qualities.Human beings tend to be misguided by their misinterpretations and lack of knowledge of their surroundings. It is not until they gain wisdom and insight that they begin to see through a broad and clear window. As is often done in reality, the life of King Lear is shaped by his own hands and his inability to make the wise decision at the b eginning of it.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
wireless Essays
wireless Essays wireless Essay wireless Essay Implementing wireless technologies involves technical and management issues or considerations that have strategic business implications within organizations. Thus, it is critical that organizations adopting wireless technologies develop the appropriate security policies governing wireless technologies and operations within their organization. Write a four to six (4-6) page wireless security policy for a medium-sized banking organization using the following structure: 1 . Wireless Security Policy 1. Wireless Security Policy Overview Purpose and Scope 2. Applicability 3. Wireless Network Security Requirements 4. Wireless Network Access Requirements 5. Wireless Device Requirements 6. Wireless Standards Supported by the Organization 7. Ethical Guidelines Associated with Wireless Networks in the Organization 9. 8. Policy Enforcement 10. Terms and Definitions 2. Use at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Your assignment must follow hese formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning utcomes associated with this assignment are: Discuss the role of standards in wireless networks. Analyze the network protocols and security mechanisms in wireless networks. Evaluate the application of Wireless LANs, MANs, and PANS. Describe the ethical issues inherent in wireless networking. Use technology and information resources to research issues in wireless networks. Write clearly and concisely about wireless computing topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions. wireless By nourcare
Thursday, November 21, 2019
To be Determined Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
To be Determined - Essay Example The young Daisy, an American girl of flirtatious demeanor and apparent stubbornness quite rare of women her age, meets and is pursued by the sophisticated Winterbourneâ€â€a bachelor of high status, but with decidedly traditional values. He is enamored by her, but is taken aback when Daisy’s behavior debunks everything he knows as true; that a young woman should never be outspoken or carefree, and that she should not be allowed to be friendly with men. Unless she is engaged to him, and that situation still calls for numerous restrictions. The young and pretty Daisy apparently enjoying the teasing and flirting with Winterbourne, also befriends an Italian gentleman named Giovanelloâ€â€and their much-witnessed romps and trips around Rome sealed the girl’s fate and reputation as an unsuitable woman. Winterbourne acknowledges and supports this general opinion after concluding that Daisy had chosen Giovanello over him, and tries to dissuade her from creating an even mo re horrid image of herself. Daisy finds this laughable, and continues to move around with the Italian, until their regular evening outings cause her to be afflicted and to die of malaria, or Roman fever. In the end, Winterbourne is told of Daisy’s last message for him, which is to clarify that she is not engaged to Giovanello. Soon after, Winterbourne proceeds to live his regular life in Switzerland. The story clearly echoes a widely-acknowledged Victorian philosophy, called domestic ideology. During this time, a woman is only held as good, or true, when her environment and social parameters are limited to the home and family. She was required to uphold her identity foremost as a virtuous and dutiful wife and mother, coming from an earlier life as a good sister and daughter. Such are the ideology’s rules that should a woman violate or neglect any, she is immediately relegated to a persona of negative
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