Monday, May 25, 2020
`` Dream Story `` By Arthur Schnitzler - 1419 Words
Arthur Schnitzler was an Austrian novelist and playwright who wrote about lust and infidelity in twentieth century Vienna. His narrative, â€Å"Dream Story†, was first published in 1925. The story tells of a married couple living a comfortable lifestyle. The husband is a thirty-five-year-old doctor. The younger wife is occupied by her responsibilities as wife and mother. In 1999, Stanley Kubrick released Eyes Wide Shut, which is his adaptation of Schnitzler’s â€Å"Dream Story†. In Kubrick’s film, Schnitzler’s protagonists, Fridolin and Albertine, are renamed Bill and Alice Harford. The similarities between Eyes Wide Shut and Schnitzler’s â€Å"Dream Story†is astonishing. The film’s narrative is updated from turn of the century Vienna to present-day New York, however the plot of the novella remains intact. In both stories, a wife tantalizes her husband with erotic reminiscences of her desire and lust for another man. A s a result, the envious, resentful husband sets out on a nightly excursion to try and alleviate his damaged dignity and to fulfill his unsatisfied sexual desires. The plots of both works are approximately the same, with only a few alternations affecting how the audience views the film. Kubrick integrates changes to the novella in order to clarify the film. Thesis? Albertine’s dream in â€Å"Dream Story†is more extensive and detailed than Alice’s dream in Eyes Wide Shut. When Fridolin arrives back home from the orgy, his wife Albertine wakes up from a dream thatShow MoreRelated`` Dream Story `` By Arthur Schnitzler973 Words  | 4 PagesArthur Schnitzler’s piece, â€Å"Dream Story,†constructs the tale of a man’s desire to stray from the norm where he wishes to lose himself and reality. In Schnitzler’s work, there is a loss of mindfulness for modern society in order to explore a more coveted lifestyle full of pleasures. The aut hor’s tactics encompass foreshadowing, symbolism, and figurative language to give a full account on this gentleman’s journey to a warped reality. â€Å"Dream Story†employs the use of symbolism to differentiate theRead MoreStream of Consciousness in Arthur Schnitzler ´s Fraulein Else580 Words  | 2 Pages In Arthur Schnitzler’s novella Frà ¤ulein Else, the stream of consciousness narrative form creates a more in-depth portrait of Else’s mindset and thinking. Even though the narrative may seem contradictory and erratic at first, this is only a result of the more extensive portrayal of her mental process, which includes elements not present in a more conventional narrative. The path of Else’s thoughts is indirect and recursive, but this portrayal of thinking is closer to the actual process of thinking
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Causes Of Imperialism - 1107 Words
Imperialism Essay Growing up, many children play the board game â€Å"Battleship,†where a player’s main goal is to conquer his opponent’s ships and, eventually, land. Similarly, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the nation of Europe and other countries took over and influenced countries that they believed were inferior to them. This process, known as imperialism, is defined as â€Å"a policy of extending a countrys power and influence through diplomacy or military force†( Clearly, both children in military board games and Europe in the real world used imperialism when they seized lesser countries like Africa and the Philippines. However, there were many different factors that caused countries to be†¦show more content†¦Clearly, making money was important to European nations, so that is how the economy influenced imperialism during this time period. The economy was not the only force responsible for imperialism in Europe; anothe r very important cause was the political aspect that related to government affairs. According to Raymond Aron, imperialism was caused by â€Å"political ambitions†¦ the nations’ will to power†¦ [or] glory or national greatness.†This means that Europe used imperialism because they wanted to be the most powerful force in the world and have glory over everyone else. Specifically, this political power was apparent in the French military because they had the strongest weapons, warships, soldiers, and cannons (Gian, Phantom Thanh). Therefore, they were easily able to take over other any desired country and go wherever they wanted without resistance. Furthermore, another political cause of imperialism was that many nations wanted to gain land and natural resources by taking over lesser countries. One of these unfortunate countries was Africa, as shown in a 1914 map. In it, Africa was divided into numerous territories that were ruled by seven total countries: Britai n, France, Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Italy, and Spain (African Map in 1914). Only one territory was independent and not conquered yet, which really shows how imperialism spread all across Europe in this time periodShow MoreRelatedCauses Of Imperialism843 Words  | 4 Pages1914. Instead they have narrowed it down to some main causes. The main factor that lead to the outbreak of World War 1, was the desire by the nations of Europe to expand their empires. Along with this there were some less significant contributing factors to the outbreak, such as previous historical tension and nationalism. Supporting evidence shows that imperialism was the main and most significant factor of the outbreak of World War 1. Imperialism is defined as the domination of one country’s politicalRead MoreCauses Of New Imperialism1120 Words  | 5 PagesNew imperialism was a period of colonial expansion by European powers during the late 19th century and early 20th century. It is distinguished by the continuous territorial acquisitions of Africa and Asia by European powers. These powers include Great Britain, France, Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium (Tusan, Scramble for Africa, October 23rd). There were many reasons behind this aggressive competition. To them, these newfound lands were an opportunity to expand their power and exploit further resourcesRead MoreCauses And Effects Of U.S. Imperialism812 Words  | 3 Pagesanalyzing the causes and effects of United States Imperialism from 1870 to 1916, one finds that there are three main factors. These major factors of United States Imp erialism in this time period are: Hawaii, the Spanish-American war, and Theodore Roosevelt. In this time period Hawaiian islanders were very happy to live traditionally, but Americans were not content with the traditional ways of the Hawaiians (Buschini, n.pag.). Even though America seemed to be on the road to imperialism with Hawaii,Read MoreThe Cause of WWI was Imperialism Leading to a Bad Economy Essay722 Words  | 3 PagesOne of the main causes that started World War 1 was the fact of imperialism. The main cause was imperialism and not nationalism because the government was always unequal and always favored themselves. When the government did this, it would lead to a terrible economy, and be forced to trade with other surrounding countries. All of this created a big build up in war and tension between Europe and other surrounding nations. I believe that imperialism was the main cause of World War 1 because it is whatRead More The Compelling Motives of European Imperialism Es say794 Words  | 4 PagesThe Compelling Motives of Imperialism The presence of Europe in Africa in the late nineteenth century was one of extreme power. The countries of France, Britain, and Germany had especially large claims to the African continent during this time. The motives of imperialism for these countries greatly define Europe at this time. Insatiable desires for economic markets, power and political struggles, the motivating belief in Social Darwinism, and the European idea of superiority were the drivingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Imperialism1139 Words  | 5 Pagesevents are talked about. That just shows what imperialism causes. Imperialism is when a dominant country seeks to increase their size and forces (either by war or diplomacy) a smaller country to submit to their rule. The Age of Imperialism began in the 1870s and went until World War 1. During this time imperialism was very prevalent and the events that took place during this time had lasting effects and still affect us to this day. While imperialism could be seen as beneficial, especially to theRead MoreImperialism656 Words  | 3 PagesEuropean Imperialism in Africa? During the 19th century, King Leopold II of Belgium compared Africa to a cake. At the Berlin Conference in 1885, seven European nations took slices of Africa for themselves without discussing any details with Africans. From a 21st century perspective, this seems like a selfish thing to have done, so why did Europeans engage in imperialism? Certainly, political factors, cultural causes, and technological advancements were important. But the primary cause was economicRead MoreEssay about Mark Twains War Prayer Rhetorical Analysis734 Words  | 3 Pagescaught up in the idea of imperialism, or extending their influence to other countries using military force. Mark Twain’s essay, The War Prayer, was written during this time, but argued against the popular philosophy of imperialism. Twain’s essay was too controversial and Harper’s Bazaar believed it was not suited for the public to read, so it went unpublished until after his death and after the idea of imperialism had lost its fervor. Twain’s essay discusses imperialism and its consequences. TwainRead MoreEssay about The Pros and Cons of Imperialism540 Words  | 3 Pagescalled as imperialism. Imperialism is often separated into two sects. The first one is old imperialism, which was the period from the 1500s to the 1800s, where European nation started to colonize many areas such as the Americas, and parts of Southeast Asia. On the other hand, the new imperialism was the period between the years â€Å"1870-1914†, where Europe became more focused on expanding their land into Asia and Africa. Imperialism had many pros and cons. In addition, it also had many causes led by theRead MoreEssay on Imperialism In World War 11103 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Imperialism in World War 1 Imperialism was one of the four contributing factors to the cause of World War One, along with secret alliances, militarism, and nationalism. It is the most important cause of WW1, because it created a build-up of tension in Europe and outside of Europe, and through imperialism, the three other causes were able to affect the beginnings of the war. Imperialism is defined as the governing of one people by another country, which was a recurring dilemma prior to WW1 due
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Compensation - 949 Words
Compensation Luis A Galloza University of Phoenix Human Capital Management in Puerto Rico HRM/571 PR December 21, 2011 Marta Angeli Rivera, PH-D. Compensation Compensation is everything the employee values and want and what the employer is able to offer in return for the contributions of the employee (Cascio 2006). This compensation system is composed of financial and non-financial incentives. Financial compensation are direct payments (wages) and indirect payments (benefits). Non-financial company, recognition, training programmes, decisions etc. involve everything in the work environment that helps increase your self esteem and respect of his teammates (Cascio 2006) Sales force compensation plan is†¦show more content†¦As the expansion of Puerto Rico is very recent some benefits that are offered in the parent company (401 k, payment of University studies, seminars, etc.) were implemented later when the company is more stable in the island. Interclean company offering this package of compensation for employees and demonstrate how important are for the organization. Interclean is facing a difficult process, but if the company have employees with compromise and motivated the success is something secure. References Cascio,W. (2005). Managing Human Resources: Productivity, quality of work life, profits (7th ed.) New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Hernandez, Rosa M, 2006, Managing compensating in times of inflation, Caribbean Business, January 26, 2006. Maslow, Abraham (1943). A theory of human motivation, recuperate from books. Google. es. Mondy,R.W.(2008). Human Resource Management (10th ed.) . Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY: I certify that the attached paper is my original work. I affirm that any section of the paper which has been submitted previously is attributed and cited as such, and that this paper has not been submitted by anyone else. I confirm that I have cited all sources from which I used language, ideas, and information, whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased. Any assistance I received while producing this paper has beenShow MoreRelatedCompensation1425 Words  | 6 PagesINTERNAL EQUITY (ALIGNMENT) AND EXTERNAL EQUITY (COMPETITIVENESS) After reviewing the Wilson Brothers Case Scenario, as Director of Human Resources for the organization, what conclusions can you draw with respect to the status of the company’s compensation strategies that are currently in place? What would you do to begin to address this situation? (3 Marks) Provide Constructive Feedback to at least two other student’s postings. (2 Marks) HINT:-reference both internal equity (alignment) and externalRead MoreCompensation1324 Words  | 6 PagesCompensation Philosophy Paper Name ________ Professor ______ Introduction Compensation is viewed differently, depending on the individual persons perspective (e.g. employee, manager, stockholders, etc.). An employee may view compensation as what is owed to him or her for work performed, while a manager may view pay as an expense. In order for an organization to have an effective compensation strategy, it must consider the various perspectives when creating the organizations compensationRead MoreCompensation1833 Words  | 8 Pagesdoes the opposite of these things. What is a strategic compensation strategy? Simply stated, it is the compensation of employees in ways that enhance motivation and growth, while at the same time aligning their efforts with the objectives, philosophies, and culture of the organization (Bohlander Snell, 2010. Compensation includes all forms of pay and rewards received by employees for the performance of their job. Employees desire compensation systems that they perceive as being fair and commensurateRead MoreCompensation518 9 Words  | 21 PagesExecutive Summary Now day’s compensation strategies are charged with supporting the company’s mission and objectives through the development and implementation of strategies, which ensure that valuable workers feel secured at their work place and rewarded for their accomplishment. A successful company focused compensation strategy including tuition reimbursement, bonus and paid time off. They are valuable programs and creating attraction process for most common compensation programs. These strategiesRead MoreExecutive Compensation And Compensation Management Essay1793 Words  | 8 Pageswithin executive compensation. This is important because executive compensation is such an integral part of a company or organization’s functions. Executives are the ones tasked with making the decisions within an organization, and their pay can sometimes be linked to how well or how not well their decisions pan out. To look at these opinions, research and high quality analyses from various data sources were used. Some of these sources included the in-class textbook, â€Å"Compensation†by George MilkovichRead MoreCeo Compensation944 Words  | 4 PagesThe Debate over CEO Compensation Analyzing Managerial Decisions: The Debate over CEO Compensation 1. Do you think the fact that most American CEOs are paid so much more than rank-and-file employees suggests CEOs are overpaid? Explain. I do not believe that just because American CEOs are paid much more than rank-and-file employees suggest that they are overpaid. Many CEOs whose salaries and compensation packages are discussed in the news are the CEOs from the largest American corporationsRead MoreCompensation and Benefits1695 Words  | 7 Pages | |Compensation and Benefits | |Human Resource Management Coures | | Employee compensation and benefits are critical factors in the new hire acceptance processRead MoreCeo Compensation1988 Words  | 8 Pages| CEO Compensation | | Introduction Recently CEO compensation packages have high rocketed making many people question the validity of their compensation. Many questions have been risen to find out if CEO compensation if excessive. Through this paper we will discuss why we feel CEOs in America are grossly overpaid. We will start off by talking about the ethics on the matter and then the pay-performance connection within organizations. We will also touch on the real wages of employees and howRead MoreExecutive Compensation2864 Words  | 12 PagesDisney fame received $203 million as executive compensation. Although this award was inflated by Eisner s exercise of stock options, many examples of compensation in millions and tens of millions raise questions on how CEOs should be paid. Critics dispute that CEOs are deserving of their pay. CEOs downsize companies or perform badly, yet continue to draw a substantial salary. Unlike low level managers, it seems there is no formula for executive compensation. The disparity be tween the executive pay inRead MoreCompensation Plan1851 Words  | 8 PagesAssignment 2 – Compensation Plan Outline Ginger Renee Wigglesworth Dr. Anthony Jacob Compensation Management December 2, 2012 Evaluation of Coca Cola s Compensation Plan Introduction Coca Cola uses a market-based compensation plan in which employees receive compensation that is comparable to the market rate. The market-based system is used for hourly employees and for entry level managers that receive a salary. The company also uses a merit pay system for increases, with
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Global human resource management of Vodafone & Hutchison Essar
Question: Describe about Vodafone and Hutchison Essar? Answer: Executive Summary Vodafone and Hutchison Essar, is among the top companies in the Telecommunication sector. The merger and acquisition of these two companies brought a positive wave in this sector which benefitted the customers mostly. Both the companies are famous for their massive innovations which easily attracts the customers towards their products and services. They have their commitments towards their customers and they fulfill them with much interest. In International merger and acquisitions the inter-cultural issue is one of the major problems but with trainings it can be solved and after that the merger and acquisitions of those companies will reach their goals and take the companies to the next level. Introduction Vodafone, as a company was integrated in the year 1984 under the English Law as Racal Strategic Radio Limited. After changing their name various times at last it was named as Vodafone Group Plc. According to Vodafone, businesses required a partner for communications who will be giving them solutions and will adapt with any change required for the company. For voice calls and emailing people need smart calls and that was on the best move by Vodafone by launching handsets under their brand and for calling, video conferencing and sharing of data to any location and for that they introduced the subscriber identity module (SIM) under their brand so that their consumer can contact with people staying at any part of the world. Vodafone came with many more new innovative ideas which are very useful for their customers and they will easily grasp this type of opportunities. Vodafone also introduced both pre-paid and post paid SIM so that customer can use any connection according to their wish. The commitment of Vodafone in the community is very massive. They extended their operations beyond their services and products which they offer to the community. Vodafone has their commitment towards their society also and they fund the society from their annual contributions and the name of their body for societal care is Vodafone Group Foundation. Their foundation works in 27 countries which supports the society by involving themselves directly in different activities both nationally and globally. Vodafone is always committed in delivering useful and innovative ideas. In the year 1991, they first launched first international roaming call from mobile. In the year 2002, Vodafone Live was launched and they set a totally new concept of mobile communication through internet access. Recently Vodafone introduced the idea of money transfer through mobile and it has become one of the new craze among the customers that without going to the bank they can transfer their money whenever and wherever they want without any risks. In the mobile phone industry Vodafone has recently stirred the market by launching their most low cost mobile handset till now. Hutchison Essar, one of the leading brands in the Indian market of the year 1994. Hutchison Essar was formed by the Essar group and Hutchison Whampao. It was one of the top mobile service provider companies. They have their services in all the five continents and Hutch was one of the companies who started providing their services of cellular phones in India. Hutch has expanded their business in all over the country with their tag line wherever you go, our network follows. Both postpaid and prepaid services are provided by Hutch with much value added services to their customers. The market share of Hutch was 22% and their base amount on their customers was around 2.44 crores. The yearly turnover of Essar group was US$ 2.2 billion the value of their enterprise was US$ 15 billion. Hutchison Essar has their business both in the service sector and also in the manufacturing sector like- Constructions and engineering, Telecom BPO, Oil and Gas, Steel etc. In the year 1983, In Hong Kong Hutc hison Whampoa introduced themselves in the market of mobile business. In the year 2007, Vodafone decided to acquire Hutchison Telecom International Ltd, which is a part of Hutchison Whampao. Vodafone took almost half of the share and changed the name of Hutchison Essar into Vodafone Essar. Merger and Acquisition (MA) of both international and domestic companies has three main determinants. A. The factors of the acquiring companies and their targets. B. Factors of transactions between the companies and C. the process after combining the two companies. Mainly the merger or the acquisition is done when a company is sinking then a big company comes and buys that company if they thinks that they will be benefitted after the merger or when a company wants to expand their business in another country and finds out that a well known company is doing well in a certain country but they are facing certain problems and the acquiring company will be highly benefitted after the merger and acquisition then they goes for the deal. Before dealing for the merger and acquisitions specially internationally the acquiring company sees certain aspects and those are- the personal benefit of the company, benefit they will be getting strategically, their marketing motives and also their economic benefits. Many companies goes for the acquisition if they sees that they will be benefitted totally in a new direction like taking over of Land Rower by TATA, where TATA was totally benefitted towards the technology side and it was totally new for them and specially in the foreign land. In MA, mainly the home government encourages the foreign companies for the merger and acquisition because the foreign companies will invest in their country which will highly benefit them in employment and also improve their economic status. Merger Acquisition Of Vodafone And Hutchison Essar In 2007, worlds one of the largest telecommunication country from revenue point of view Vodafone played a major role and decided to expand their business in Indian by acquiring 52% of shares of Hutchison shares by dealing with the Hong Kong HEL. In the Indian telecommunication market it was one of the biggest and best deals. They wanted this deal to expand and make growth in the Indian market. After Vodafone acquired HEL, India became the number one country in the telecommunication business replacing China. To keep their position intact Vodafone has still kept their rates low and making their most of the profit in the global market. Hutchison Essar was one of the key players in the telecom market but they mainly used to operate in the urban areas of India and they were planning of expanding their business in the rural areas. HEL was among the top ranked company in average revenue per user (ARPU) and also they are giving less return in their investments. Through this deal HEL was also benefitted because they also wanted to open their business in European countries (Weber, and Yedidia Tarba, 2012). While signing the deal Vodafone had to face multiple obstructions and in the initial stage they got objections from the partners of Hutch and Essars. Their competitors were also assertive with this deal but after lot of effort at last Vodafone cracked the deal by outpacing their competitors. According to critics in spite of making profit Vodafone has cracked the deal by making loss. Vodafone has paid more money to Hutch than required but according to Vodafone it was worth paying in this competitive market of telecommunication (Schuler, Khilji, and Rul,2015). In todays world global merger and acquisition is growing immensely. These are mainly referring to those merger and acquisition which is taking place internationally. Global mergers are also known as cross border or international mergers and acquisitions (Singh, 2012). Internationalization and inter-continental financial improvement have contributed together in the betterment of merger and acquisition to a certain extent. Global merger and acquisition are taking place in the market in various forms like vertical mergers, congeneric mergers, horizontal mergers, conglomerate mergers, dilutive mergers, reverse mergers etc (Gupta, 2014). Global mergers and acquisitions are mainly performed for the motive of acquiring certain strategic benefits in the market of certain countries. Multi-national companies also enjoy numerous benefits like market dominance and economies scale with the help of global merger and acquisitions (Shah, 2013). International acquisitions and mergers play a vital role behind the growth of the organizations. The deals and the transactions taking place between the big companies help them to acquire the market and also see that they are reaching the economies of scale. They also motivates the foreign direct investment (FDI) (Cole, 2013). The well known global mergers and acquisitions companies provides with training and programs on education so that they can increase the number of experts in the sector of merger and acquisitions and also increase the knowledge of the expertise who are already working in this sector (Islam, Sengupta, Ghosh, and Basu, 2012). In international mergers and acquisitions the rules and polices keeps changing and it is important for the companies coming under the global merger and acquisitions to follow this rules and be updated with this policies. Lots of professionals in the investment banking sector give their important views to their clients who deals with the mergers and acquisitions (Shah, 2013). The famous line of Hutch wherever you go , the network follows has been adopted by many and liked by the customers. The merger and acquisition of Vodafone and Hutch is also the punch line of Hutch. After battling a lot with the deal at last Vodafone was able to acquire Hutch by 100 million USD. Many thought that despite being competitors why Vodafone acquired Hutch with lots of risks and what is the difference between merger and acquisitions? By Merger, it can be easily understand that two companies come together and merge into a big company and mostly after merger a name is acquired. Mainly the stocks of the companies makes the companies agree for going into merger despite numbers risks involved in the deal. An acquisition is almost like merger but it is named as acquisition due to marketing and political reasons to avoid problems (Whalley, and Curwen, 2012). One company is acquiring the other company or two companies are merging together to make profits and growing as a big company in the market without creating a total different entity in the market. An acquisition is always on a friendly basis not like the merger because in merger the acquired company always has to follow the rules of the acquirer. If a company buys shares without the knowledge of the other company then it is a aggressive decision and this type of ventures mainly takes place in merger but if the company is buying the shares by keeping the other compan y informed then it is a acquisition and shows the friendliness among the companies (Nalwaya, and Vyas, 2014). So, the merger between Vodafone and Hutch is on friendly basis so it is an acquisition. While taking a company the acquiring company has to keep certain things in mind. The merger and acquisitions is mainly done to increase their growth in the market and also maintain the reputation of their brand image (Park, and Ghauri, 2011). So before going into such dealing the acquiring company has to keep all this things in their mind that whether this merger and acquisition will give profit to them or not, the merger and acquisition is beneficial for the acquiring company or not. Merger and acquisition plays an important role in building the brand image of the company and it will also show that the acquiring company is powerful or not among their rivals (Cartwright, and Cooper, 2012). Factors Affecting International Mergers and Acquisitions Few elements influence in the global merger and acquisition are- governance of corporate, laws of the companies, work capacity of the workers, customers expectations, and political factors of the country, countrys culture and tradition (Ferris, Jayaraman, and Sabherwal, 2013). The HR department of the organization also has to face few challenges. The role of HR department is to look after the whole organization. The HR head has the opportunity to influence their employees and organize events so that the organization beat his competitors but before doing that the HR should secure his position first throughout and after the process of merger. HR is responsible for smooth working of the organization. No cultural issue should create any problem in the organization working structure. In the higher level of the organization also HR can play an important role (Weber, Rachman-Moore, and Tarba, 2012). After the merger new leadership need to be introduced and work should be done on that regularly despite any issues. Team and personal assessment need to be done which will help the workers to work together and give a positive result. In merger and acquisition the HR has the opportunities to plan and execute their ideas so that the company can go for cost saving and ma rketing alliance. The merger and acquisition of the company will work or not is decided by the working style of the employees (Sarala, Junni, Cooper, and Tarba, 2014). The HR has huge responsibilities to make the employees work because the working structure of the newly combined employees will decide whether the company will be rising upwards or going downwards. The HR has the power to change the culture of the organization if there is any need. When a merger takes place mainly the HR department of the acquired company gets eliminated and the work load totally falls on the acquirer company. If the HR department of both the companies works together then there is no such work pressure on any particular department but then comes the question of taking decisions, power of autonomy and independence and policies of the organizations. If there is any issue with debt with the acquired company then the acquirer company has to finance that and then the company goes for cost cutting and HR dep artment is the first one in the organization who has to go through this phase (Reddy, Nangia, and Agrawal, 2014). Recommendations and Conclusions According to the research mainly 70 % companies who go for merger and acquisitions fails to succeed because they do not takes the necessary measures which are need to be taken. Cultural difference is one of the main issues in merger and acquisition and if there is a global merger then the culture issue is the most important issues for the organization which they need to deal with foremost (Weber, (Ed.). 2013). For the national employee it is very difficult to adopt the third culture but if it accepted well by the employees then it is one of the successful mergers for the organization and also for the world. In International mergers and acquisitions training on cross cultural awareness should be given to the employees to develop the intercultural issues among the employees (Gomes, Angwin, Weber, and Yedidia Tarba, 2013). These types of training will help the employees to understand the cultural issues of their colleagues and will provide the employees with opportunities so that they c an develop their un-segregated approach towards the culture of the company and for global merger and acquisition it is very much needed (Weber, and Tarba, 2013). In the merger and acquisition of Vodafone and Hutchison Essar, the culture difference was one of the issues but the mangers working for them worked on it and brought a wide diversity in the organization culture which worked in a positive way for the organization. The company took the inter- cultural training which was effective for the organization and it developed the working structure of the employees and they started working as a multicultural team and it increases their strength and it also benefitted the culture of the organizations acquisition (Erel, Liao, and Weisbach, 2012). Reference Cartwright, S., and Cooper, C. L. (2012).Managing Mergers Acquisitions and Strategic Alliances. Routledge. Cole, A. (2013).Research Proposal, Mergers and Acquisitions in the telecomunication industry India. GRIN Verlag. Erel, I., Liao, R. C., and Weisbach, M. S. (2012). Determinants of cross border mergers and acquisitions.The Journal of Finance,67(3), 1045-1082. Ferris, S. 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